Tiny highly potential creature in woods! Though we have lot more out there.
This is something that I always question myself?  The point is, we have something called inquisitiveness that always shows us a different perspective of every single scenario. Coming to this picture which was captured under a tree, where I was relaxing and there's nothing special about the place. But these fellas are always more amusing to look at and admire. I always have a habit of getting into their lives and that doesn't mean that I am intruding.  .


 They are more experienced farmers than humans since they have started farming earlier. I know that it's inconceivable since we have seen them stealing tiny food particles from our households but we can't always overestimate ourselves. These fellas compete with us with their huge biomass and really it's unimaginable. And now it's your turn to mention the thing which you are more inquisitive about!