How many of you are scared of moneys?

I have seen monkeys of different species in zoos, they are not that scary since they're behind bars but this particular species of monkey which is found in some of the regions in India, especially in some tourist spots, since they have a habit of stealing things especially food, people are really scared of these monkeys. I am scared too! These pictures were captured in Kodaikanal, where we went on a family trip. 
There, in a spot, I noticed a little girl throwing a fruit for a monkey to eat, seriously it happens often in such places since you could find several street-food shops there for the tourists to eat, and people have the habit of throwing food for monkeys. The fruit fell down on the street, the monkey grabbed it instantly and went away from there to a higher place, I don't know why he ran away after grabbing food, all of them do so. Maybe because of their anxiety that we might steal the food back from them. I know, it's obsoletely hilarious! Interestingly he rubbed the fruit with his hands to remove off the dirt and he started enjoying the fruit. These deeds often remember me of the well-known fact of our evolution from these human-like creatures!